Make this for breakfast

Hi! Pleasure to meet you!

I’m Mazi: business intelligence engineer and hands on dad to 3 rambunctious boys – my 6 year old, his little yorkie, and our gecko. I love great food, and I love to cook great food that’s practical, aesthetically pleasing, and delicious.


Meet KINGSTON and SWIRL my little taste testers

  • Veganism has been in the news and people’s conversations.  Even Beyoncé and Jay Z have challenged their millions of fans. Meat eaters have traditionally laughed off the notion but not any more...

  • The Fountain of Youth was never a distant place. In fact, I'm willing to bet it's less than 15 minutes from you...

  • Sometimes we guys find the kitchen intimidating which causes us to avoid it at all cost. Well, what if I help you score some points and make cooking almost effortless? C'mon in guys...

Hi! I’m Mazi.

Food is Art and connected to every aspect of our lives. Join my adventure and discussion in food as I cook and tell. Let's have some fun!


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