About Us

The Nourishing Art – Bio

Hey! Pleasure to meet you!

I’m Mazi: business intelligence engineer and hands on dad to 3 rambunctious boys – my 6 year old, his little yorkie, and our gecko.  I love great food, and I love to cook great food that’s practical, aesthetically pleasing, and delicious.  And yes, that includes vegan dishes as well!  For me, it’s the art of it all that’s captivating – the careful placement on the plate, the bright and rich colors that harmonize, the anticipation of that first bite.  Sometimes you just have to take a picture before you dig in!  I find myself always taking pictures of a dish I’ve made or when eating out as you can see in these pages. The photo shoots are fun, and I can tell my little taste testers get a kick out of it.  Welcome to my blog about my explorations in food.  If we spend some time together, I’m sure that like mine, your eyes will open to how food is connected to every aspect of our lives in terms of fun, happiness, well-being, creativity and adventure.  Food not only has the power to nourish our body, but it has the power to nourish our spirit, spur our imagination, take us to beautiful mysterious lands and bring families closer together.

Yes, I may have attended university and completed a Bachelor of Science, but all the techy stuff has not suffocated my love to cook. I’m a food aficionado that enjoys eating a variety of dishes (I should be 800lbs 😂).  Depending on my craving, curiosity, imagination, sense of exploration or health goals, I’ll cook and eat a wide variety of dishes.  Several of my simple favorites are eggs benedict, a blue cheese and mushrooms burger, and almost anything seafood.  For soups, I go crazy for a great bowl of clam chowder or a perfect bowl of lentils.  For dessert, chocolate molten cake with the warm dark chocolate flowing in the middle. Mmmmm!😊  Currently I’m Mr. BI Engineer by day and Blogger by night.  Blogging is enjoyable, and I get to share my adventures with you.  My two little taste testers, my 6 year old son Kingston and his little puppy Swirl, stay ready to give me their thoughts on my cooking (Swirl only gets meaty morsels safe for dogs).  I get the “hey dad, this is good!” pretty often and that makes this even more enjoyable.  I like to cook things that deliver big on taste but also lean toward the healthy side.  Satisfaction for everybody is essential.

You know the idea to do this came from my appreciation for the beauty of food and how it touches our lives in so many ways.  It came from a desire to share what I’ve learned from a deep curiosity of how healthy foods can positively impact our well-being.  It came from an interesting spiritual place of noticing that the more I cook the more I seem to realize that perhaps food can even teach us a little about God.  And lastly, it’s actually nice to represent us guys in the food blog space. 😉

Hear more about my personal explorations in food like going meatless for 2-months or letting food set your next travel destination within these pages.


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