Veganism – Should I Try Meatless

Veganism – Should I Try Meatless

Interestingly enough, veganism has been in the news and in people’s conversations much more than in years past.  Meat eaters have traditionally laughed off the notion.  But with added attention on the earth and health these days, people who have always loved their bacon are now seemingly giving serious consideration to at least trying the vegan diet for a day or two, if not cutting meat out totally.   But first of all, what is it?  What is veganism?  Veganism is “the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals.  A follower of the diet or the philosophy is known as a vegan” (Wikipedia).  But why all of the attention on veganism all of a sudden?  Everywhere you look today, restaurants are having to change their menus up or at least section the menu in such a way that diners can easily find the meatless options.  Some fast food joints are even calling it out on drive-thru menus.  Well, maybe it’s because conservationists have concluded it’s more sustainable for the earth.  That for the population to eat more plant-based is better than spending the energy and resources to process cows, chickens, and fish for consumption.  Then there are others who are very sensitive to the treatment of animals, and they choose to eat a meatless diet because they simply can’t stomach the idea of consuming an animal.  I’ve talked with people of both persuasions, but those I meet most are the ones who simply want to improve their health.   And so, the question comes up: Should I try no meat for a little while?


Well, if you’re wondering if it’s the cool thing to do😎, did you see the 2019 challenge Beyoncé and Jay Z issued to their millions of fans for the new year?  Here I’ll paste it right here for you:   Yup! There it is again – veganism!  This is a really big step for most people, but don’t be discouraged if you decide to try it.  Trying new things can be fun and rewarding!  Personally, I like eating everything so I’m not advocating for never eating meat again. But surely it can’t hurt to at least try something new, especially when that something new can benefit your body and quality of life.  Recently, out of curiosity, I tried it myself to see what I would learn, and also to be able to give you first-hand experience and advice in what to likely expect.  Really for me, it was even a little more to it than that.  I was raised in the United States, in the state of Georgia, where meat is the main part of every meal – breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Part of me wanted to challenge my will power – can I go without eating meat a little while even though it’s all I’ve known?  Secondly, I wanted to do somewhat of a 40-year cleanse.  I figured the inside of my body needed a good scrubbing out by now 😅.  The next two things were more on a spiritual level, I guess. I wanted to bring my body to an alkaline state where harmful parasites could not live.  And lastly, according to biblical scripture, the first man and woman only ate fruit and vegetables.  I thought it would be interesting to eat as they did.  Pretty deep huh 😏.   So, I set the mission: Go at least 2 months without eating any meat and only drinking water, no alcohol period.  After 2 weeks, the only pain and discomfort I felt was from the Arby’s commercials 😅. The only pleasure and happiness I felt was in mind, body, and spirit.  Here are some key things to expect if you try this diet.  Also, I’d recommend letting your primary care physician know that it’s something you’re interested in doing, so they can give you added advice if necessary.  I think it’s always good practice, when trying new things with your body, to let your doctor know.  So first of all, don’t expect to see any big positive changes in your body for the first couple of days. You’re making a major change it’s not used to, so you’ll need to give it a moment to recognize what’s happening and register this positive adjustment.  You’re moving from eating primarily for taste to putting in vital nutrients that can only come from fruit and vegetables.  Red meat takes anywhere from 24 – 72 hours to move through the digestive track.  So, to start seeing some positive changes you’ll need to wait for that to clear out.  One of the reasons we feel sluggish and tired is because of all the energy the body is expending to digest that heavy meat, so give it a moment.  Secondly, as you start to substitute in fruits and vegetables, nuts, and healthy grains, you’ll notice in a few days that you need to go to be bathroom more.  Your bowel movements will increase and your energy level will start to tick up.  Don’t be surprised if you feel small headaches here or there or if you feel hungry.  Consume enough food to be satisfied, and you will feel these go away.  When switching to a vegan diet, I think it can be a little difficult at first to know how much to eat.  We carnivores are used to eating big meals until we’re stuffed, right.  Now, you’ll need to find that proper amount to eat of fruit, vegetables, and grains to where you’re satisfied.  For example, for me, sometimes that was a big plate of zucchini, squash, and mushrooms over a bed of wild rice or quinoa. (If you need suggestions on some meals to try, let me know!)  Trust me, you’ll have no shortage of what to eat and new things to try; you’re going to become aware of food you didn’t even know was there!  I will say this though: you’re going to be tempted everyday by commercials to break what you just started, but hang in there; you can do it!  As you should have done already, set your mind on the number of days that are reasonable for you and then stick to it.  It has been said that after you do something for 21 days to a month, it becomes a habit and you can practically do it forever from there.  That’s what they say.  Again, set the number of days that’s reasonable for you.  Even if it’s one, two, or three days, give it a shot.  Thirdly, at the week and half to 2-week mark, you’re going to notice that you’ve probably already lost 10 to 15lbs and you’re going to lose more.  If you’ve been trying desperately to lose weight with no luck, here is a powerful formula for you:  Everyone’s body is different but trust me, if you cut meat, bread, and pasta out of your diet and instead put in its place fruit, vegetables, nuts and grains, you’re going to lose weight no doubt (*Please note the vegan diet allows for bread and pasta. I cut those during my experience for alkalinity purposes*)  This is a healthy way to lose as well.  It’s pretty interesting to see all of these companies charging people for weight loss programs when all you have to do is cut meat, bread, and pasta out of your diet for a bit, and the weight will fall off.  Lastly, as you settle into this diet of no meat or animal products and upping your vegetable intake, you’re likely going to find that little aches and joint pains that you once felt will be gone, the tingle of poor circulation in your legs or else where will vanish, your skin will clear up, hair and nails will start to grow more, your appearance will start to look more youthful, energy levels will be up throughout the day, sleep patterns will improve, and vital sign numbers at doctor check-ups will all check off good or seriously be headed in that direction. This is just to mention a few things.  Scientists and doctors have even seen the reversal of serious illnesses from such a diet.


If you choose to take up the personal journey of veganism for a time, no matter if it’s 3 days or 2 months like me or indefinitely, do some research and be sure to eat a variety of fruit, vegetables, nuts, and grains that give you an assortment of vitamins.  Also, make sure you’re drinking a lot of water every day.  Some people have horror stories around veganism because they set their hearts on eating an inadequate salad everyday for the duration of the diet.  You can just see that this is a disaster waiting to happen.  Well, should you try no meat for a little while?  I’ve encouraged my friends to try it even at least for 2 days, if that’s all they can stand.  Sometimes baby steps are best for exploring a new diet that requires such a life change.  If you can’t cut meat out even for a short time, because it’s just too much for you, try only eating fish, shrimp and crab and upping your vegetable intake.  This is probably healthier than where you are now and a great way to get your toes wet without totally jumping in all at once.  Ultimately, the answer is left up to you.  You’ll no doubt hear more about it in the coming months.  People are becoming more health conscious as they age, as they look to address obesity, as they look to avoid disease, and as they seek more ways to preserve the planet.  In these discussions and circles, the one practice that continues to come up as the answer is veganism.


Update: Beyoncé is now offering free concert tickets to fans who go vegan (click to see)